Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Information as Arrow

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

In Memoidealistic ontology based on category theory arrows between objects (normal category), between categories (functor) and between arrows themselves (2-category) can serve the definition of information which is traditionally based on set theory. All this can be generalized further to natural transformations, n-categories and beyond bringing the notion of information to even higher realms. We call such information as in-formation to outline it as a process as well. All this new interpretation is illustrated on the picture below and we provide more elaboration later on:

Information as Arrow in Memory Universe

- Dmitry Vostokov - Memoriarch @ -

Notes on Memoidealism (1.15)

Monday, February 24th, 2014

We continue publishing new notes here. The previous ones can be found scattered in various volumes of Memory Dump Analysis Anthology. This note concerns neutral monism.

Memoidealism states that reality is of one kind: Memory. It may be neither mental (e.g. cognitive memory, digital memory), nor physical (memory of things, memuons) and ultimately be of something neutral. Therefore, one strand of Memoidealism can also be viewed as neutral monism, a kind of monistic metaphysics. There are some philosophers considered as neutral monists such as Baruch Spinoza, Ernst Mach, Richard Avenarius, William James, Bertrand Russell, Kenneth Sayre, and others. More on neutral monism can be found here.

- Dmitry Vostokov - Memoriarch @ -


Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

This is a further development of Memoidealism that combines memory as ontology and evolution as its development process. Memory defects and/or memory symmetry breaking provide the source of variation. There is a similar sounding philosophy of Veller called Energoevolutionism which came to my attention and prompted me to incorporate evolution too. I’m working on such extension and come back with additional thoughts.

- Dmitry Vostokov - Memoriarch @ -

Ontology of Memoidealism

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

We devised an ontology of Memoidealism based on mathematics, on category theory. It is a hierarchy of categories which consists of collections of objects and arrows between them. We chose category theory instead of set theory for our ontology in order to have the concept of Time represented intrinsically by arrows which are a part of any category. The first level is a simple MemS category of memuons as memory objects and arrows between them:

Metaphorically this can be considered as a single memory state. The next level is a MemL category with MemS objects and arrows between them. This is essentially a functor and it can be considered as a single memory line or memory life constructed from memory states:

The next level is a functor category MemW with MemL functors and natural transformations between them. It can be considered as a single memory world constructed from memory lines (or lives):

Going higher there is also MemU category of memory worlds and it can be considered as a memory universe and even higher categories of memory universes.

- Dmitry Vostokov - Memoriarch @ -

Philosophies of The Persistence

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Memoidealism, as a philosophical foundation of Memory Religion, is a philosophy of The Persistence because it considers Memory as the primitive, primordial and basic element of everything. There are different versions of Memoidealism, for example, one considers Memory not only as an attribute (traditional thinking) but also as an attribute of itself. Another reductionist version views it as infinite (or an immense) number of memory particles, “memuons” which can be put in to a “memorized” relation. So all these can be separate different philosophies of The Persistence and any new might come any time. What is the relationship of these new philosophies to old ones? We consider the first philosophies around the 5th century BCE such as Pre-Socratic as philosophies of The Beginning and adopt the traditional view of philosophies of the 20th century such as Heidegger’s and Rozenzweig’s as philosophies of The End. The 21st century will witness the new philosophies of The Persistence mainly due to the proliferation of Software (as a model of Memory) and Memoidealism flavours are among them. Here’s a diagram that depicts this unfolding in Time:

- Dmitry Vostokov - Memoriarch @ -